January has been pretty exciting for me since last three years, It marks my annual ritual trip to Las Vegas, this is my third trip this year. Almost all of my trips have been because of work. Since Las Vegas has some of the biggest hotels[1] in the world it has become a natural choice for some of the biggest American companies to host their internal and external conferences. As an example, CES hosts some 200,000 people every year [2]. This year I started my 30-hour flight journey, yes you heard it right I had a 9-hour layover at the London airport. Though it was far from ideal it was not that bad. If you can arrange priority pass [3] card from your credit card company or pay for it. Then you can use the lounge, showers and much more for free. I manage to steal the below picture from a hoarding at the airport. Then after much rest and time pass at the airport terminal, I boarded my next flight to Las Vegas. When I landed McCarran International Airport, the first surprise for me was the